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Mitchell, S.J. (Samuel James)
He was my Great Uncle.
Wedderspoon, J.H.B. (Jack Henry Butcher)
Remembering my Great Uncle today for the sacrifice he made for his country.
Hibberd, I.P.M. (Ivy Pretoria May)
In memory of Member Ivy Hibberd, a life taken tragically young.
Baker, A.F. (Arthur Forbes)
My respect to this man, fighting for his beliefs.
Morgan, J.E. (John Emil)
My Great Grand Uncle Emil. Proudly remembered.
Gordon, G.S. (George Strachan)
Brave lad.
Hughes, R.G. (Richard George)
On behalf of the War Memorial researchers at . Richard is remembered on the Bidford on Avon War Memorial
Barker, C.N. (Cecil Norman)
Daniel, H.T. (Harry Thomas)
Not forgotten for your courage and sacrifice.
Madill, R.M.K. (Ralph MacKenzie)
He was from Beaverton, Ontario, Canada. Rest in Peace Lieut. Madill
Burnett, H.R. (Herbert Roy)
Commemorating those buried in Chambière French National Cemetery, Metz
Sutherland, J.L.C. (James Lawrence Cathcart)
Commemorating those buried in Chambière French National Cemetery, Metz
Stern, L.G. (Leopold Grahame)
Commemorating those buried in Chambière French National Cemetery, Metz
Sharp, C.H. (Christopher Harold)
Commemorating those buried in Chambière French National Cemetery, Metz
Malcolm, O.L. (Orley Laudon)
Commemorating those buried in Chambière French National Cemetery, Metz
Mackenzie, A.D.
Commemorating those buried in Chambière French National Cemetery, Metz
Haley, A. (Arthur)
Commemorating those buried in Chambière French National Cemetery, Metz
Godet, L.G. (Lennock de Graaff)
Commemorating those buried in Chambière French National Cemetery, Metz
Cook, F.O. (Frederick Oliver)
Commemorating those buried in Chambière French National Cemetery, Metz